Thursday 13 September 2012


Purple Heart

Purple Heart is a revealing and emotional novel written by Ta’afuli Fiu or Andrew as he is known in English. The novel Purple Heart is about Andrew and his journey through life battling with a heart disease that bought him to deaths door step numerous times. This novel shows the truth in a life of a forever patient. I think the moral of this story is that whatever life throws at you, you have to live on like every day could be your last and because life is a precious thing and can be taken away from you in a matter of seconds.

Andrew’s life was one that was never short on events, if he wasn’t having one of his 5 open heart surgeries, he had a child at a young age and had to live half of his life in a hospital bed. Life was always throwing obstacles in his way; he seemed to never get a break. His heart had been through physical and emotional pain that never seemed to stop.

A main theme that I noticed right throughout the book was the racism that he had to suffer though. People were always putting him down because of the colour of his skin. This really opened my eyes as I didn’t realise how bad it can get for some people, Mr Weston (name changed) was the worst Culprit in Andrews life, that he spoke of in his book, putting him down with racism. For example there was a moment in the book where Andrew took a lot as My Weston words to Andrew were” You bloody coconut proof-loving queer shit bastard useless overstaying black cannibal rapist little burglaring son of a B****, f*** off out of my room.” This made me incredibly angry as no one ever deserves to be spoken to with such disrespect.

This book really interested me because the way he overcame everything and he stayed strong for his family, faith and most important for himself, even though sometimes he felt weak and could have just given up, but he didn’t. This should be a lesson to all; if you stay strong you will be able to get though anything. His experience was something you can learn from. You should always be thankful for what you are given whether it is good or bad because someone else out there always has it worse than you. The bad things in life are what makes you strong and how you react to them is what shapes you as a person. Andrew had many near death experiences and in that way I could relate as eiler this year I almost drowned while kayaking, and it was one of the most frightening moments in my life just thinking about it makes me feel sick. For me one of the hardest things about the event was that I have dedicated a lot of my life to swimming and to think that in that one moment none of it mattered when I felt my body get pulled under I truly thought that was the end for me even though I was wearing a life jacket my spray skirt had gotten caught to a branch in the water after I had capsized near a fallen tree. This showed me that if it’s your time you will go and there’s nothing that can stop it. Lucky for me it wasn’t mine and I managed to untangle myself in time because I was so tired after it, it truly does take everything out of you.

So I can honestly say this book was inspiring and I found it amazing to read. Andrew’s story of power, strength and determination showed that you should never give up, not even to the last breath because it makes you who you are, after a moment like that you truly feel like you can conquer the world.



Tuesday 1 May 2012

Creative writing

The embarssment of the event was shown in the cherry red colour taking over his face, the frown he shared with the people on the street reflected the anger that he was with holding inside waiting as he felt it bubble with in. As the car came to a stop with a thud in front of the house hes meant to call home, he could feel the pain and sadness stir up inside him as it made him realise, this wasn't his home he didnt feel emotional safe and was exhasted, for his life he just wanted all to go away. As his mum got out of the car singing her insane songs he felt himself sink even further into his seat on the top of the car, she turned to him and pulled him of the car holding his hand with her death grib,she lead him into the house yelling, " let the world know my son is more special than you will ever know." as soon as she opened the door he ran straight for his room and didnt look back, slaming the door behind him he lay on his bed letting his mind wonder, "why me" he whispered "what did i do to deserve this?" he pondered the thought as he quitely sobed. He heard her voice sing towards his room and thought "sorry mum but im not sticking round for this." and with that he waas determinted to change his future!


Due to the fact wordle doesnt like me these are the words i tryed to use:

Doctors, Love, Life, Youth, Past, Children, Family, Friends, Religion, Culture, Hospital, Nurse's, Charts, Medicine, Present, Church, memories, Future, Death, Fear, Letters, Unforgotten, Andrew, School, Secrets, Smiles, Tears, Truth, Beating Heart, Surgery, Greenlane, Food , Samoan, Racism, Depression, Pain

Karlo Mila

Summer days, melting ice creams,
Morning Moca,
Sunday husel and busel,
Church goes Bike riders,
Clevedon days

Monday 23 April 2012

Review: The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games directed by Gary Ross was originally a young adult novel written by American television writer and novelist Suzanne Collins. I found that it was definately a young adult film the reason I think this is because the adults that I know that saw it said that they found it silly and hard to follow, but my friends and I found that we loved it. The movie has suspence, romance and action. I felt it catered to fit everyones taste. I found myself on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next.

For those of you that don't know what the Hunger Games are or havn't seen it yet, the base of the story is that its all starts with the 13 Districts and the main Capital who controls all the poorer Districts. When District 13 starts to cause a rebellion they are blown up and killed as a warning to any other Districts that think about joining in, and as a conquense to the other Districts the Capital starts The Hunger Games where one boy and girl between the ages of 12-18 get chosen to be tribute from each of the 12 Districts to fight till the death, this happens each year. The main focus of this movie is on 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, a girl from District 12 who volunteers to be tribute in the Hunger Games in place of her younger sister, Primrose making her the first volunteer from her district. The male lead and participant  also selected from District 12 is Peeta Mellark, a baker's son who Katniss knows from school, and who once gave her bread when her family was starving. These two go into a world unlike there own and are treated like royalty and fed like kings because going into the games they are the underdogs. The story tells their journey before and throughout the games, the friends they make, the love they find, the pain they feel and the strength they realise they have.

I strongly recommend that you watch this movie for yourself as it is a passionate movie that causes mixed emotions right throughout the whole story. I loved it and can't wait for the sequal to come out because I'm sure it will also be a movie to watch. The acting is incredible and isn't one of those movies that are filled with over actors, which is sometimes a real worry especially when new actors no one has heard of are introduced in this thrilling movie. I personally think that it is the new twilight and Jennifer Lawrence who plays Katniss Everdeen will be big as she is extremely talented and I dont think that they could have picked a better actress for the role.


Monday 16 April 2012

summer icons : Jandals

Jandals I take you off my feet and
watch as you slowly become engulfed in sand
Jandals you have been so good to me
protecting my feet from the harsh rocks that cover the ground
Now I see that you have served me well but are battered and brusied
So its time to be recycled and used...
new jandals you will be so good to me
but you will never replace the jandels that held my feet! :)

Creative Writing

Life was great for Amy Neverlands she was rich and famous and one of the most well known pop stars in the world. She was so ecstatic when she was asked to play a charity game of tennis with the well known Roger Federer. All of the ticket money from the match was going to charity and at the end the two tennis rackets used by Roger and Amy were going to be auctioned off with the proceeds going to the charity of their choice.

As time moved towards the match, Amy crossed each day off the calendar and polished her cherished racket cleaning it and making it shine. Her theory was that the better her racket looked the more she would be able to get for it and she wanted to raise as much money as she could for the hospital that saved her sisters precious life years ago. When the morning of the match arrived she woke with a smile knowing what the day would bring, she had been practicing and knew she was also there to have some fun.
Amy was finally ready, she sung her way to her sports closet barely able to contain her excitement. Eagerly she opened the door to grab the treasured racket, looking as she did for the bright shine of the rim.
Immediately feeling her stomach drop Amy looked open eyed at the gap staring back at her. She gasped and held her breath, it wasn’t there, but she’d put it back, where could it be. Amy began to hyperventilate a million things going through her mind, what was she going to do? Amy stormed upstairs yelling for Lisa her maid “Where is my racket” she screeched at the top of her lungs. Lisa nervously entered the room mumbling “Miss I’m not sure where your racket is I haven’t seen it.” “Liar” Amy yelled, she knew she wasn’t being fair but she was just so worried, she was due at the court in 3 hours and had no idea where her prized racket was hiding.
Off to one side, Lisa was quietly freaking, she knew that what she had done was going to get her into trouble but selling that racket was the only way she could get the money for her sons bone surgery. Being a maid wasn’t a well paid job even if it was for Amy Neverlands. But was it worth it? The guilt was eating her inside, what came next she couldn’t control “Miss I’m so sorry it’s just my son, he needed surgery, I was running out of options please forgive me, I need this job.” She watched as Amy’s face turned redder and redder as the anger bubbled up, Lisa waited for the bomb to go off. However, Amy replied in a steady voice “Lisa I’m sorry but you can’t expect me to be able to trust you anymore. Now I’m going to go buy a new racket, when I come home I expect you to be gone if you don’t want me to press charges... Goodbye.” Tears filled Lisa’s eyes she understood what she had done was wrong and she knew it was now going to be a consequence she had to live with.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Dice Roller

You rolled 4 dice:
Timestamp: 2012-04-16 04:56:49 UTC

Wednesday 11 April 2012


I tried to do the Voki thing but it didnt work as soon as i got to the sharing part it would exit me out i made one 4x !!!

Sunday 18 March 2012

Kony Opinion piece

Kony2012 is a organistion that it supporting and leading the world in an effort to arrest Joseph Kony from Africa so that Africans dont have to live in fear they could be killed or abducted from there own beds. I have full support for this organistion as i think that they are doing an important and significant thing to change and course of world history saving thousands of lives and bring familys together. I admire the creator of this cause as i will help children and creat a safe world as Joseph Kony is worlds most wanted!!!!!!!!!!1

Thursday 1 March 2012

If i was in charge of school.

If I was in charge of school I would start by changing the uniform to the old fabric as it is cooler. On a hot summers day, you can move in it easier as it is loosely fitted on the body and feels more comfortable. As student's are in it everyday being nice to wear is important, a comfortable student is a happy student. I would also give all the students the opportunity to purchase and wear, during school time, a track suit or dark blue / black jeans so that in the winter when it's cold students can be warm. Even though you can buy the long trouses, only boys really buy them as they don't really suit girls and stockings can only keep you warm for so long, before the cold gets though. I think changing the uniform is beneficial because it means that the students will be less likely to come down with the flu, due to being cold, and then end up missing days of school.

If I was in charge of the school I would add a pool behind the turf. I would do this because swimming is a very important aspect of physical education and at the swimming sports I noticed that lots of people could not swim at all. I think this is an area that Alfriston College does not support enough, as I believe, for their own safety, all high school students should know how to swim at a basic level or at least know what to do if they ever got into trouble in the water. As a passionate swimmer I personaly think that swimming is a basic life skill that all children should have the opportunity to learn within a school environment. It would also be beneficial to the public as the school could charge for a key, which in the end would mean that the pool could help pay for itself!

If I was in charge of school I would get rid of module time as I believe, along with a majority of Alfriston College students, that this learning time is being put to waste, being filled with sometimes meaningless activity. I would change it to an ILC time for students especialy year 12 and 13 as it is important at this level to keep up with all your school work. I have found myself, and talking with other students, that often you have 5-6 teachers all  thinking that they will give homelearning to do during ILC time or catch up work and 200 minutes just isnt enough!

Monday 27 February 2012

current location
hair color
day of week
time of day
t.v. channel
This Or That
hugs or kisses
pepsi or coke
mcdonalds or burger king
chocolate or vanilla
lover or fighter
friends or family
love or money
listen to someone talk ot talking
personality or looks
magazines or comics
pop star or word up
are you in luv
have you ever been in luv
ddo you believe in love at first sight
longest relationship
kiss on first date
ever cheated on someone(be honest)
do you do drugs
do you drink
do you have any regrets
want to get married
want kids
do you believe in yourself
last movie you saw at the movies? was it good
can you handle the truth
biggest fear
most missed memory
first thought waking up
how do you want to die
do you get along with your parents
do you swear
do you have a pet
have you ever passed out
do you party
do you get good grades
Do You Believe In
In a Boy
eye color
hair color
short or long hair
peircings or tattoos
just cute or sexy
one girl man