Thursday 13 September 2012


Purple Heart

Purple Heart is a revealing and emotional novel written by Ta’afuli Fiu or Andrew as he is known in English. The novel Purple Heart is about Andrew and his journey through life battling with a heart disease that bought him to deaths door step numerous times. This novel shows the truth in a life of a forever patient. I think the moral of this story is that whatever life throws at you, you have to live on like every day could be your last and because life is a precious thing and can be taken away from you in a matter of seconds.

Andrew’s life was one that was never short on events, if he wasn’t having one of his 5 open heart surgeries, he had a child at a young age and had to live half of his life in a hospital bed. Life was always throwing obstacles in his way; he seemed to never get a break. His heart had been through physical and emotional pain that never seemed to stop.

A main theme that I noticed right throughout the book was the racism that he had to suffer though. People were always putting him down because of the colour of his skin. This really opened my eyes as I didn’t realise how bad it can get for some people, Mr Weston (name changed) was the worst Culprit in Andrews life, that he spoke of in his book, putting him down with racism. For example there was a moment in the book where Andrew took a lot as My Weston words to Andrew were” You bloody coconut proof-loving queer shit bastard useless overstaying black cannibal rapist little burglaring son of a B****, f*** off out of my room.” This made me incredibly angry as no one ever deserves to be spoken to with such disrespect.

This book really interested me because the way he overcame everything and he stayed strong for his family, faith and most important for himself, even though sometimes he felt weak and could have just given up, but he didn’t. This should be a lesson to all; if you stay strong you will be able to get though anything. His experience was something you can learn from. You should always be thankful for what you are given whether it is good or bad because someone else out there always has it worse than you. The bad things in life are what makes you strong and how you react to them is what shapes you as a person. Andrew had many near death experiences and in that way I could relate as eiler this year I almost drowned while kayaking, and it was one of the most frightening moments in my life just thinking about it makes me feel sick. For me one of the hardest things about the event was that I have dedicated a lot of my life to swimming and to think that in that one moment none of it mattered when I felt my body get pulled under I truly thought that was the end for me even though I was wearing a life jacket my spray skirt had gotten caught to a branch in the water after I had capsized near a fallen tree. This showed me that if it’s your time you will go and there’s nothing that can stop it. Lucky for me it wasn’t mine and I managed to untangle myself in time because I was so tired after it, it truly does take everything out of you.

So I can honestly say this book was inspiring and I found it amazing to read. Andrew’s story of power, strength and determination showed that you should never give up, not even to the last breath because it makes you who you are, after a moment like that you truly feel like you can conquer the world.